Oil Spill, Murder and Sports
(too old to reply)
2010-06-15 21:08:31 UTC
::::::::::: message
:::::::::::::::: in message
:::::::::::::::::: wrote in message
:::::::::::::::::::: Bla bla bla
:::::::::::::::::::: I am pissed and tired of all the fuckin crybabies.
:::::::::::::::::::: Yes it's horrible all the damage to the eco
:::::::::::::::::::: systems, and fishermen/wimmins not having a way to
:::::::::::::::::::: continue making a living but with all the bitchin
:::::::::::::::::::: and finger pointing after several weeks I see
:::::::::::::::::::: nobody else stepping up to the plate with better
:::::::::::::::::::: ideas on how to fix the problem. I guess for the
:::::::::::::::::::: fishermen and others that are losing business they
:::::::::::::::::::: would be happy with $$$$$$$, that should shut em
:::::::::::::::::::: up for a while. My idea on how to revive the
:::::::::::::::::::: economy down there is start building a bunch of
:::::::::::::::::::: casinos!
::::::::::::::::::: I think they gots plenty of casinos on they gulf
::::::::::::::::::: coast in louisana, missisippi, alabama, and florida.
:::::::::::::::::::: The whole vanderslut murder media frenzy pisses me
:::::::::::::::::::: off too........Natalie's parents need to give up
:::::::::::::::::::: the idea they will ever get her body.....the damn
:::::::::::::::::::: sharks and other scavengers had a nice
:::::::::::::::::::: snack........I hope the bastard gets
:::::::::::::::::::: hanged....what a waste at 22 years old.
::::::::::::::::::: I think the parents had a long shot, but they got
::::::::::::::::::: the cops involved just to
::::::::::::::::::: get the bastard in jail.
:::::::::::::::::::: A tie in Soccer? Why don't they just play until
:::::::::::::::::::: someone gets another goal to break it?
::::::::::::::::::: nobody cares about soceor here execpt illegal
::::::::::::::::::: mexicans.
:::::::::::::::::::: Wishing everybody a Happy Day!
::::::::::::::::::: fine.
::::::::::::::::::: You forgot to mention the N***** in the white house
::::::::::::::::::: is trying to give away mo' of Our money to useless,
::::::::::::::::::: slobering union teachers. bastard.
:::::::::::::::::: Hope to get everybody to help out on our Father's Day
:::::::::::::::::: celebration.
:::::::::::::::::: We gonna search woodpiles looking for Barak's daddy.
::::::::::::::::: let's just wait for tomorrow when the annointed one
::::::::::::::::: pronouces his greatness.
::::::::::::::::: how much you want to bet he collectivizes oil
::::::::::::::::: production?
:::::::::::::::: He's studying up on some big words so the BP execs
:::::::::::::::: won't make him look like
:::::::::::::::: the total idiot that he is.
:::::::::::::::: Why we paying to fly him around on that big jet? Just
:::::::::::::::: put the little brown
:::::::::::::::: turd in a stool sample box and mail him.
::::::::::::::: Let's bring the Little Bush back, then. All he did is
::::::::::::::: ruin our economy, undermine our constitutional freedoms,
::::::::::::::: institute kidnapping and torture, and
::::::::::::::: get us into two pointless and illegal wars.
:::::::::::::: That was all bad then but now that The One is in charge,
:::::::::::::: all that is just hunky dory.
::::::::::::: No, Obama gets to try to undo all of Little Bush's mess.
::::::::::::: Nobody could have walked into this term and not ended up
::::::::::::: catching the blame for all the shit Bush caused.
:::::::::::: regardless, whether one or the other spilled the turds
:::::::::::: outta the toilet, the
:::::::::::: N***** now in charge is trying to burn our house down to
:::::::::::: distract us from "his" smell. it is just priceless that
:::::::::::: dipshits continue to blame Bush. what ever happened to
:::::::::::: moveon.org?
::::::::::: Maybe Obamo just got confused and when they quit water
::::::::::: boarding the hadjis he started started waterboarding the US
::::::::::: economy?
:::::::::: Don't blame Bush's fuckups on his successor. Bush fucked up
:::::::::: the economy, despite being warned that the unregulated
:::::::::: derivative market was going to collapse. He chose to do
:::::::::: nothing, and here we are.
::::::::: that is not the central problem, fool. derivatives were and
::::::::: have been unregulated, and they were used to help sustain the
::::::::: mandated give away morgages. the fuching banks were arm
::::::::: twisted into more and more morgages. they pigs in congress
::::::::: passed laws to fine the banks if they would not continue. get
::::::::: your story right.
:::::::: The banks were "arm twisted" into making bad loans? By whom?
:::::::: Oh yeah, I know this one... Mister Greed! You must get your
:::::::: news from the WEHO Free Press and Cock Smoker's Gazette. Did
:::::::: it happen to mention specifically what laws the "pigs in
:::::::: Congress" passed that would fine banks for not making bad
:::::::: loans? I'm dying to read more about that!
::::::: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Reinvestment_Act
::::::: you can even get the true story on the slanted wiki. banks were
::::::: twisted into making loans. read about it.
:::::: The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 was written to prevent
:::::: "red lining," a discriminatory practice of denying loans to
:::::: anyone in certain economically poor areas, regardless of their
:::::: credit-worthiness.
:::::: "The Act requires the appropriate federal financial supervisory
:::::: agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to meet
:::::: the credit needs of the local communities in which they are
:::::: Most of the bad loans that collapsed under their own weight, were
:::::: made to middle class America. People who chose to live beyond
:::::: their means, drive their SUV's, buy their boats, motorhomes,
:::::: expensive cars, and other adult toys. In a lot of cases, they
:::::: bought second houses. Buyers were also qualified for loans with
:::::: ridiculous introductory rates that they knew were going to go up
:::::: drastically in just a few months. The banks knew, and the
:::::: borrowers knew, that they couldn't qualify based on the real
:::::: rates they were going to pay, but as long as the borrowers could
:::::: delude themselves into thinking that they'd cross that bridge
:::::: when they came to it, or they could live off of an
:::::: ever-increasing equity that was realistically unsustainable; and
:::::: as long as the mortgage brokers were collecting their
:::::: commissions... what the hell? There was nothing consistent with
:::::: safe and sound (banking) regulation in any of this.
::::: you fool. people continued to get loans and couldn't pay. red
::::: line has nothing to do with credit worthiness. red line is just
::::: that - a line where they wouldn't loan to. if you can not pay,
::::: you shouldn't get a fucking loan.
:::: <WOOSH!>
:::: That whole concept sure flew over your head, didn't it? I really
:::: thought you were brighter than that.
::: They're not. They probably think you're a commie.
:: I can spell cunt.
: good, cause that is probably the closest you are ever going to get to
: one, cracker.
you have no point. leave the usenet.
my point is that you are an cracker, cracker. just because you don't like
it don't make it pointless. oh, by the way, cracker, you should have a
little cheese with that whiiiinnnnnnne. cracker.
2010-06-15 21:08:44 UTC
::::::::::: message
:::::::::::::::: in message
:::::::::::::::::: wrote in message
:::::::::::::::::::: Bla bla bla
:::::::::::::::::::: I am pissed and tired of all the fuckin crybabies.
:::::::::::::::::::: Yes it's horrible all the damage to the eco
:::::::::::::::::::: systems, and fishermen/wimmins not having a way to
:::::::::::::::::::: continue making a living but with all the bitchin
:::::::::::::::::::: and finger pointing after several weeks I see
:::::::::::::::::::: nobody else stepping up to the plate with better
:::::::::::::::::::: ideas on how to fix the problem. I guess for the
:::::::::::::::::::: fishermen and others that are losing business they
:::::::::::::::::::: would be happy with $$$$$$$, that should shut em
:::::::::::::::::::: up for a while. My idea on how to revive the
:::::::::::::::::::: economy down there is start building a bunch of
:::::::::::::::::::: casinos!
::::::::::::::::::: I think they gots plenty of casinos on they gulf
::::::::::::::::::: coast in louisana, missisippi, alabama, and florida.
:::::::::::::::::::: The whole vanderslut murder media frenzy pisses me
:::::::::::::::::::: off too........Natalie's parents need to give up
:::::::::::::::::::: the idea they will ever get her body.....the damn
:::::::::::::::::::: sharks and other scavengers had a nice
:::::::::::::::::::: snack........I hope the bastard gets
:::::::::::::::::::: hanged....what a waste at 22 years old.
::::::::::::::::::: I think the parents had a long shot, but they got
::::::::::::::::::: the cops involved just to
::::::::::::::::::: get the bastard in jail.
:::::::::::::::::::: A tie in Soccer? Why don't they just play until
:::::::::::::::::::: someone gets another goal to break it?
::::::::::::::::::: nobody cares about soceor here execpt illegal
::::::::::::::::::: mexicans.
:::::::::::::::::::: Wishing everybody a Happy Day!
::::::::::::::::::: fine.
::::::::::::::::::: You forgot to mention the N***** in the white house
::::::::::::::::::: is trying to give away mo' of Our money to useless,
::::::::::::::::::: slobering union teachers. bastard.
:::::::::::::::::: Hope to get everybody to help out on our Father's Day
:::::::::::::::::: celebration.
:::::::::::::::::: We gonna search woodpiles looking for Barak's daddy.
::::::::::::::::: let's just wait for tomorrow when the annointed one
::::::::::::::::: pronouces his greatness.
::::::::::::::::: how much you want to bet he collectivizes oil
::::::::::::::::: production?
:::::::::::::::: He's studying up on some big words so the BP execs
:::::::::::::::: won't make him look like
:::::::::::::::: the total idiot that he is.
:::::::::::::::: Why we paying to fly him around on that big jet? Just
:::::::::::::::: put the little brown
:::::::::::::::: turd in a stool sample box and mail him.
::::::::::::::: Let's bring the Little Bush back, then. All he did is
::::::::::::::: ruin our economy, undermine our constitutional freedoms,
::::::::::::::: institute kidnapping and torture, and
::::::::::::::: get us into two pointless and illegal wars.
:::::::::::::: That was all bad then but now that The One is in charge,
:::::::::::::: all that is just hunky dory.
::::::::::::: No, Obama gets to try to undo all of Little Bush's mess.
::::::::::::: Nobody could have walked into this term and not ended up
::::::::::::: catching the blame for all the shit Bush caused.
:::::::::::: regardless, whether one or the other spilled the turds
:::::::::::: outta the toilet, the
:::::::::::: N***** now in charge is trying to burn our house down to
:::::::::::: distract us from "his" smell. it is just priceless that
:::::::::::: dipshits continue to blame Bush. what ever happened to
:::::::::::: moveon.org?
::::::::::: Maybe Obamo just got confused and when they quit water
::::::::::: boarding the hadjis he started started waterboarding the US
::::::::::: economy?
:::::::::: Don't blame Bush's fuckups on his successor. Bush fucked up
:::::::::: the economy, despite being warned that the unregulated
:::::::::: derivative market was going to collapse. He chose to do
:::::::::: nothing, and here we are.
::::::::: that is not the central problem, fool. derivatives were and
::::::::: have been unregulated, and they were used to help sustain the
::::::::: mandated give away morgages. the fuching banks were arm
::::::::: twisted into more and more morgages. they pigs in congress
::::::::: passed laws to fine the banks if they would not continue. get
::::::::: your story right.
:::::::: The banks were "arm twisted" into making bad loans? By whom?
:::::::: Oh yeah, I know this one... Mister Greed! You must get your
:::::::: news from the WEHO Free Press and Cock Smoker's Gazette. Did
:::::::: it happen to mention specifically what laws the "pigs in
:::::::: Congress" passed that would fine banks for not making bad
:::::::: loans? I'm dying to read more about that!
::::::: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Reinvestment_Act
::::::: you can even get the true story on the slanted wiki. banks were
::::::: twisted into making loans. read about it.
:::::: The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 was written to prevent
:::::: "red lining," a discriminatory practice of denying loans to
:::::: anyone in certain economically poor areas, regardless of their
:::::: credit-worthiness.
:::::: "The Act requires the appropriate federal financial supervisory
:::::: agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to meet
:::::: the credit needs of the local communities in which they are
:::::: Most of the bad loans that collapsed under their own weight, were
:::::: made to middle class America. People who chose to live beyond
:::::: their means, drive their SUV's, buy their boats, motorhomes,
:::::: expensive cars, and other adult toys. In a lot of cases, they
:::::: bought second houses. Buyers were also qualified for loans with
:::::: ridiculous introductory rates that they knew were going to go up
:::::: drastically in just a few months. The banks knew, and the
:::::: borrowers knew, that they couldn't qualify based on the real
:::::: rates they were going to pay, but as long as the borrowers could
:::::: delude themselves into thinking that they'd cross that bridge
:::::: when they came to it, or they could live off of an
:::::: ever-increasing equity that was realistically unsustainable; and
:::::: as long as the mortgage brokers were collecting their
:::::: commissions... what the hell? There was nothing consistent with
:::::: safe and sound (banking) regulation in any of this.
::::: you fool. people continued to get loans and couldn't pay. red
::::: line has nothing to do with credit worthiness. red line is just
::::: that - a line where they wouldn't loan to. if you can not pay,
::::: you shouldn't get a fucking loan.
:::: <WOOSH!>
:::: That whole concept sure flew over your head, didn't it? I really
:::: thought you were brighter than that.
::: They're not. They probably think you're a commie.
:: I can spell cunt.
: good, cause that is probably the closest you are ever going to get to
: one, cracker.
you have no point. leave the usenet.
my point is that you are an cracker, cracker. just because you don't like
it don't make it pointless. oh, by the way, cracker, you should have a
little cheese with that whiiiinnnnnnne. cracker.
2010-06-16 01:52:20 UTC
::::::::::::: message
:::::::::::::::::: wrote in message
:::::::::::::::::::: "Hollywood®Boy" <"manny or
:::::::::::::::::::: wrote in message
:::::::::::::::::::::: Bla bla bla
:::::::::::::::::::::: I am pissed and tired of all the fuckin
:::::::::::::::::::::: crybabies. Yes it's horrible all the damage to
:::::::::::::::::::::: the eco systems, and fishermen/wimmins not
:::::::::::::::::::::: having a way to continue making a living but
:::::::::::::::::::::: with all the bitchin and finger pointing after
:::::::::::::::::::::: several weeks I see nobody else stepping up to
:::::::::::::::::::::: the plate with better ideas on how to fix the
:::::::::::::::::::::: problem. I guess for the fishermen and others
:::::::::::::::::::::: that are losing business they would be happy
:::::::::::::::::::::: with $$$$$$$, that should shut em up for a
:::::::::::::::::::::: while. My idea on how to revive the economy
:::::::::::::::::::::: there is start building a bunch of casinos!
::::::::::::::::::::: I think they gots plenty of casinos on they
::::::::::::::::::::: coast in louisana, missisippi, alabama, and
::::::::::::::::::::: florida.
:::::::::::::::::::::: The whole vanderslut murder media frenzy
:::::::::::::::::::::: me off too........Natalie's parents need to
:::::::::::::::::::::: up the idea they will ever get her
:::::::::::::::::::::: damn sharks and other scavengers had a nice
:::::::::::::::::::::: snack........I hope the bastard gets
:::::::::::::::::::::: hanged....what a waste at 22 years old.
::::::::::::::::::::: I think the parents had a long shot, but they
::::::::::::::::::::: the cops involved just to
::::::::::::::::::::: get the bastard in jail.
:::::::::::::::::::::: A tie in Soccer? Why don't they just play
:::::::::::::::::::::: someone gets another goal to break it?
::::::::::::::::::::: nobody cares about soceor here execpt illegal
::::::::::::::::::::: mexicans.
:::::::::::::::::::::: Wishing everybody a Happy Day!
::::::::::::::::::::: fine.
::::::::::::::::::::: You forgot to mention the N***** in the white
::::::::::::::::::::: house is trying to give away mo' of Our money
::::::::::::::::::::: useless, slobering union teachers. bastard.
:::::::::::::::::::: Hope to get everybody to help out on our
:::::::::::::::::::: Day celebration.
:::::::::::::::::::: We gonna search woodpiles looking for Barak's
:::::::::::::::::::: daddy.
::::::::::::::::::: let's just wait for tomorrow when the annointed
::::::::::::::::::: pronouces his greatness.
::::::::::::::::::: how much you want to bet he collectivizes oil
::::::::::::::::::: production?
:::::::::::::::::: He's studying up on some big words so the BP execs
:::::::::::::::::: won't make him look like
:::::::::::::::::: the total idiot that he is.
:::::::::::::::::: Why we paying to fly him around on that big jet?
:::::::::::::::::: put the little brown
:::::::::::::::::: turd in a stool sample box and mail him.
::::::::::::::::: Let's bring the Little Bush back, then. All he did
::::::::::::::::: ruin our economy, undermine our constitutional
::::::::::::::::: freedoms, institute kidnapping and torture, and
::::::::::::::::: get us into two pointless and illegal wars.
:::::::::::::::: That was all bad then but now that The One is in
:::::::::::::::: charge, all that is just hunky dory.
::::::::::::::: No, Obama gets to try to undo all of Little Bush's
::::::::::::::: Nobody could have walked into this term and not ended
::::::::::::::: catching the blame for all the shit Bush caused.
:::::::::::::: regardless, whether one or the other spilled the turds
:::::::::::::: outta the toilet, the
:::::::::::::: N***** now in charge is trying to burn our house down
:::::::::::::: distract us from "his" smell. it is just priceless
:::::::::::::: dipshits continue to blame Bush. what ever happened to
:::::::::::::: moveon.org?
::::::::::::: Maybe Obamo just got confused and when they quit water
::::::::::::: boarding the hadjis he started started waterboarding
::::::::::::: US economy?
:::::::::::: Don't blame Bush's fuckups on his successor. Bush
:::::::::::: up the economy, despite being warned that the
:::::::::::: derivative market was going to collapse. He chose to do
:::::::::::: nothing, and here we are.
::::::::::: that is not the central problem, fool. derivatives were
::::::::::: have been unregulated, and they were used to help sustain
::::::::::: the mandated give away morgages. the fuching banks were
::::::::::: twisted into more and more morgages. they pigs in
::::::::::: passed laws to fine the banks if they would not continue.
::::::::::: get your story right.
:::::::::: The banks were "arm twisted" into making bad loans? By
:::::::::: Oh yeah, I know this one... Mister Greed! You must get
:::::::::: news from the WEHO Free Press and Cock Smoker's Gazette.
:::::::::: it happen to mention specifically what laws the "pigs in
:::::::::: Congress" passed that would fine banks for not making bad
:::::::::: loans? I'm dying to read more about that!
::::::::: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Reinvestment_Act
::::::::: you can even get the true story on the slanted wiki. banks
::::::::: were twisted into making loans. read about it.
:::::::: The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 was written to
:::::::: "red lining," a discriminatory practice of denying loans to
:::::::: anyone in certain economically poor areas, regardless of
:::::::: credit-worthiness.
:::::::: "The Act requires the appropriate federal financial
:::::::: agencies to encourage regulated financial institutions to
:::::::: the credit needs of the local communities in which they are
:::::::: Most of the bad loans that collapsed under their own weight,
:::::::: were made to middle class America. People who chose to live
:::::::: beyond their means, drive their SUV's, buy their boats,
:::::::: motorhomes, expensive cars, and other adult toys. In a lot
:::::::: cases, they bought second houses. Buyers were also
:::::::: for loans with ridiculous introductory rates that they knew
:::::::: were going to go up drastically in just a few months. The
:::::::: banks knew, and the borrowers knew, that they couldn't
:::::::: based on the real rates they were going to pay, but as long
:::::::: the borrowers could delude themselves into thinking that
:::::::: they'd cross that bridge when they came to it, or they could
:::::::: live off of an ever-increasing equity that was realistically
:::::::: unsustainable; and as long as the mortgage brokers were
:::::::: collecting their commissions... what the hell? There was
:::::::: nothing consistent with safe and sound (banking) regulation
:::::::: any of this.
::::::: you fool. people continued to get loans and couldn't pay.
::::::: line has nothing to do with credit worthiness. red line is
::::::: that - a line where they wouldn't loan to. if you can not
::::::: you shouldn't get a fucking loan.
:::::: <WOOSH!>
:::::: That whole concept sure flew over your head, didn't it? I
:::::: thought you were brighter than that.
::::: They're not. They probably think you're a commie.
:::: I can spell cunt.
::: good, cause that is probably the closest you are ever going to
::: to one, cracker.
:: you have no point. leave the usenet.
: my point is that you are an cracker, cracker. just because you
: like it don't make it pointless. oh, by the way, cracker, you
: have a little cheese with that whiiiinnnnnnne. cracker.
loosers double post. idiot.
meow, cracker boi. now to quote some shakespeare:

to be a cracker, or not to be a cracker
whether to suffer the blandness of boring cheese,
or go get some decent cheddar.